AbstractLifecycleService |
Implementation of a spawning service that is based on the other services of the SRE platform. |
AbtractAgentCreatorProvider |
Abstract implementation of a provider of agent instance creator. |
AgentCreationProcess |
A class that is runnable into a thread and implements the creation of a single agent. |
AgentCreatorProvider |
Provider of agent instance creator. |
AgentIdProvider |
A dynamic provider of UUID for the newly created agents. |
AgentLife |
Describes any information that is required by the SRE for supporting the agent's life. |
AgentState |
Describe the states of an agent. |
AgentTraitLife |
Describes any information that is required by SRE for supporting the agent trait's life. |
BasicSkillUninstaller |
Install and uninstall the skills. |
BehaviorLife |
Describes any information that is required by the SRE for supporting the behavior's life. |
CannotSpawnException |
This exception is thrown when an agent cannot be spawned. |
ContextReference |
Describes any information that is required by the SRE for supporting the agent's life. |
InjectionBasedLifecycleService |
Implementation of a spawning service that is using injection mechanism for creating the agent. |
InvalidSarlSpecificationException |
This exception is thrown when the agent to spawn is not generated according to a valid SARL specification version. |
KernelAgentLifecycleListener |
Listener on events related to the kernel agent. |
LifecycleService |
This service provides the tools to manage the life-cycle of the agents. |
LifecycleServiceAdapter |
Event adapter on events related to the life-cycle of an agent. |
LifecycleServiceListener |
Listener on events related to the life-cycle of an agent. |
ShutdownLookUp |
A class that is looking for stopping the SRE kernel when o more agent is alive. |
SkillUninstaller |
Install and uninstall the skills. |
SpawnDisabledException |
This exception is thrown when the spawning service of agents is disabled. |
SpawnQueries |
A class enables to update the number of "spawn" queries and supporting the multiple spawning of agents within a single call to "spawn". |
StandardLifecycleService |
Implementation of a spawning service that is using standard object creation for creating the agents. |