Modifier and type | Property and description |
---|---| | classOutputPath Replies the path where the class files are generated. |
java.util.List<E> | classPath Replies the classpath. |
CleaningPolicy | cleaningPolicy Replies the cleaning policy that is applied by this batch compiler. |
java.lang.ClassLoader | currentClassLoader Replies the current class loader. |
java.lang.String | extraLanguageGenerators Replies the extra languages' generators that should be enabled. |
java.lang.String | fileEncoding Change the file encoding. |
java.lang.String | generatedAnnotationComment Replies the comment in the @Generated annnotations. |
protected org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.compiler.GeneratorConfig | generatorConfig Replies the current generator config. |
protected GeneratorConfig2 | generatorConfig2 Replies the current generator config v2. |
java.util.Comparator<T> | issueComparator Replies the comparator of issues that is used for sorting the issues before they are logged. |
IssueMessageFormatter | issueMessageFormatter Replies the formatter of the issue messages. |
IJavaBatchCompiler | javaCompiler Replies the Java compiler. |
java.lang.String | javaSourceVersion Replies the version of the Java source to be used for the generated Java files. |
java.util.logging.Logger | logger Replies the logger. |
java.util.List<E> | modulePath Replies the module-path. |
OptimizationLevel | optimizationLevel Replies the optimization level that should be applied to the generated Java byte code. | | outputPath Replies the path where the Java files are generated. |
boolean | reportInternalProblemsAsIssues Replies the flag that indicates to report the compiler's internal problems as issues. |
boolean | reportWarningsAsErrors Replies the flag that permits to report the warning issues detected by the SARL compiler as errors to the user of the batch compiler. |
java.util.List<E> | sourcePaths Replies the source path. | | tempDirectory Replies the path where the Xtext stubs are generated. |
Modifier and type | Field and description |
protected var<T> | resourceSetProvider The provider of resource sets. |
Modifier and type | Action and description |
void | addCompiledResourceReceiver(ICompilatedResourceReceiver) Add a receiver on the successfully compiled resources. |
void | addIssueMessageListener(IssueMessageListener) Add a listener on the issue messages. |
void | addSourcePath(File) Add a folder to the source path. |
void | addSourcePath(String) Add a folder to the source path. |
protected boolean | checkConfiguration(IProgressMonitor) Check the compiler configuration; and logs errors. |
protected boolean | cleanFolder(File,FileFilter) Clean the folders. |
boolean | compile Run the compilation. |
boolean | compile(IProgressMonitor) Run the compilation. |
boolean | compile(CancelIndicator) Run the compilation. |
protected java.lang.ClassLoader | createClassLoader(Iterable<T>,Iterable<T>,ClassLoader) Create the project class loader. |
protected java.lang.String | createIssueMessage(Severity,Issue) Create a message for the issue. |
protected | createStubs(ResourceSet,IProgressMonitor) Create the stubs. |
protected | createTempDir(String) Create a temporary subdirectory inside the root temp directory. |
protected | createTempDirectory Create the temp directory that should be used by the compiler. |
protected void | destroyClassLoader(ClassLoader) Null-safe destruction of the given class loaders. |
protected void | generateJavaFiles(Iterable<T>,IProgressMonitor) Generate the Java files from the SARL scripts. |
protected void | generateJvmElements(ResourceSet,IProgressMonitor) Generate the JVM model elements. | | getClassOutputPath Replies the path where the class files are generated. |
java.util.List<E> | getClassPath Replies the classpath. |
CleaningPolicy | getCleaningPolicy Replies the cleaning policy that is applied by this batch compiler. |
java.lang.ClassLoader | getCurrentClassLoader Replies the current class loader. |
java.lang.String | getExtraLanguageGenerators Replies the extra languages' generators that should be enabled. |
java.lang.String | getFileEncoding Change the file encoding. |
java.lang.String | getGeneratedAnnotationComment Replies the comment in the @Generated annnotations. |
protected org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.compiler.GeneratorConfig | getGeneratorConfig Replies the current generator config. |
protected GeneratorConfig2 | getGeneratorConfig2 Replies the current generator config v2. |
java.util.Comparator<T> | getIssueComparator Replies the comparator of issues that is used for sorting the issues before they are logged. |
IssueMessageFormatter | getIssueMessageFormatter Replies the formatter of the issue messages. |
IJavaBatchCompiler | getJavaCompiler Replies the Java compiler. |
java.lang.String | getJavaSourceVersion Replies the version of the Java source to be used for the generated Java files. |
java.util.logging.Logger | getLogger Replies the logger. |
java.util.List<E> | getModulePath Replies the module-path. |
OptimizationLevel | getOptimizationLevel Replies the optimization level that should be applied to the generated Java byte code. | | getOutputPath Replies the path where the Java files are generated. |
boolean | getReportInternalProblemsAsIssues Replies the flag that indicates to report the compiler's internal problems as issues. |
boolean | getReportWarningsAsErrors Replies the flag that permits to report the warning issues detected by the SARL compiler as errors to the user of the batch compiler. |
java.util.List<E> | getSourcePaths Replies the source path. | | getTempDirectory Replies the path where the Xtext stubs are generated. |
boolean | isDeleteTempDirectory Replies if the temp folder must be deleted at the end of the compilation.
Deprecated for removal since 0.10: since 0.10, see getCleaningPolicy().
boolean | isGenerateCloneFunctions Replies if the clone functions shall be generated. |
boolean | isGenerateEqualityTestFunctions Replies if the equality test functions shall be generated. |
boolean | isGenerateExpressions Replies the compiler generate the Xbase expressions. |
boolean | isGenerateGeneratedAnnotation Replies the @Generated is generated. |
boolean | isGenerateInlineAnnotation Replies if the @Inline shall be generated. |
boolean | isGeneratePureAnnotation Replies if the @Pure shall be generated. |
boolean | isGenerateSerialNumberFields Replies if the serial number fields shall be generated. |
boolean | isGenerateSyntheticSuppressWarnings Replies the @SuppressWarnings is generated. |
boolean | isGenerateToStringFunctions Replies if the toString functions shall be generated. |
boolean | isIncludeDateInGeneratedAnnotation Replies if the generation date is included in the @Generated annotations. |
boolean | isJavaCompilerVerbose Replies if the compiler is verbose. |
boolean | isJavaPostCompilationEnable Replies if the Java compiler should be invoked after the SARL compiler is invoked. |
boolean | isModularProject Replies if the current project is modular. |
boolean | isSarlCompilationEnable Replies if the SARL compiler should be invoked before the Java compiler is invoked. |
protected boolean | isSourceFile(Resource) Replies if the given resource is a script. |
boolean | isUseCurrentClassLoaderAsParent Replies if the class loaderr of this batch compiler must be used as sthe parent class loader. |
boolean | isUseExpressionInterpreterForInlineAnnotation Replies if constant expression interpreter shall be called for generated @Inline . |
boolean | isWriteStorageFiles Replies if the storage files must be generated. |
boolean | isWriteTraceFiles Replies if the trace files must be generated. |
protected void | loadSARLFiles(ResourceSet,IProgressMonitor) Load the SARL files in the given resource set. |
protected void | overrideXtextInternalLoggers Change the loggers that are internally used by Xtext. |
protected CompilerStatus | postCompileJava(IProgressMonitor) Compile the java files after the compilation of the project's files. |
protected CompilerStatus | preCompileJava(File,File,IProgressMonitor) Compile the java files before the compilation of the project's files. |
protected CompilerStatus | preCompileStubs(File,File,IProgressMonitor) Compile the stub files before the compilation of the project's files. |
void | removeCompiledResourceReceiver(ICompilatedResourceReceiver) Remove a receiver on the successfully compiled resources. |
void | removeIssueMessageListener(IssueMessageListener) Add a listener on the issue messages. |
protected boolean | reportCompilationIssues(Iterable<T>) Output the given issues that result from the compilation of the SARL code. |
protected void | reportInternalError(String,Object*) Reports the given error message. |
protected void | reportInternalError(String,Throwable) Reports the given error message. |
protected void | reportInternalInfo(String,Object*) Reports the given information message. |
protected void | reportInternalWarning(String) Reports the given warning message. |
protected void | reportInternalWarning(String,Throwable) Reports the given warning message. |
protected CompilerStatus | runJavaCompiler(File,Iterable<T>,Iterable<T>,Iterable<T>,boolean,boolean,IProgressMonitor) Run the Java compiler. |
void | setAllWarningSeverities(Severity) Change the severity level of for all the warnings. |
void | setBasePath(String) Change the base path. |
void | setBaseURI(URI) Change the base URI. |
void | setClassOutputPath(File) Set the path where the class files are generated. |
void | setClassPath(String) Change the classpath. |
void | setClassPath(Collection<E>) Change the classpath. |
void | setCleaningPolicy(CleaningPolicy) Change the cleaning policy that is applied by this batch compiler. |
void | setCurrentClassLoader(ClassLoader) Set the current class loader. |
void | setDeleteTempDirectory(boolean) Set if the temp folder must be deleted at the end of the compilation.
Deprecated for removal since 0.10: since 0.10, see setCleaningPolicy(CleaningPolicy).
void | setExtraLanguageGenerators(String) Change the extra languages' generators that should be enabled. |
void | setFileEncoding(String) Change the file encoding. |
void | setGenerateCloneFunctions(boolean) Set if the clone functions shall be generated. |
void | setGeneratedAnnotationComment(String) Set the comment in the @Generated annnotations. |
void | setGenerateEqualityTestFunctions(boolean) Set if the equality test functions shall be generated. |
void | setGenerateExpressions(boolean) Set if the compiler generate the Xbase expressions. |
void | setGenerateGeneratedAnnotation(boolean) Set if the @Generated is generated. |
void | setGenerateInlineAnnotation(boolean) Set if the @Inline shall be generated. |
void | setGeneratePureAnnotation(boolean) Set if the @Pure shall be generated. |
void | setGenerateSerialNumberFields(boolean) Set if the serial number fields shall be generated. |
void | setGenerateSyntheticSuppressWarnings(boolean) Set if the @SuppressWarnings is generated. |
void | setGenerateToStringFunctions(boolean) Set if the toString functions shall be generated. |
void | setIncludeDateInGeneratedAnnotation(boolean) Set if the generation date is included in the @Generated annotations. |
void | setIssueComparator(Comparator<T>) Set the comparator of issues that is used for sorting the issues before they are logged. |
void | setIssueMessageFormatter(IssueMessageFormatter) Set the formatter of the issue messages. |
void | setJavaCompiler(IJavaBatchCompiler) Change the Java compiler. |
void | setJavaCompilerVerbose(boolean) Set the underlying Java compiler verbosity. |
void | setJavaPostCompilationEnable(boolean) Set if the Java compiler should be invoked after the SARL compiler is invoked. |
void | setJavaSourceVersion(String) Change the version of the Java source to be used for the generated Java files. |
void | setLogger(Logger) Set the logger. |
void | setModulePath(String) Change the module-path. |
void | setModulePath(Collection<E>) Change the module-path. |
void | setOptimizationLevel(OptimizationLevel) Change the optimization level that should be applied to the generated Java byte code. |
void | setOutputPath(File) Change the path where the Java files are generated. |
void | setOutputPath(String) Change the path where the Java files are generated. |
void | setReportInternalProblemsAsIssues(boolean) Change the flag that permits to report the compiler's internal problems as issues. |
void | setReportWarningsAsErrors(boolean) Change the flag that permits to report the warning issues detected by the SARL compiler as errors to the user of the batch compiler. |
void | setResourceSetProvider(Provider<T>) Set the provider of resource sets. |
void | setSarlCompilationEnable(boolean) Set if the SARL compiler should be invoked before the Java compiler is invoked. |
void | setSourcePath(String) Change the source path. |
void | setSourcePath(Collection<E>) Change the source path. |
void | setTempDirectory(File) Change the path where the Xtext stubs are generated. |
void | setTempDirectory(String) Change the path where the Xtext stubs are generated. |
void | setUseCurrentClassLoaderAsParent(boolean) Set if the class loaderr of this batch compiler must be used as sthe parent class loader. |
void | setUseExpressionInterpreterForInlineAnnotation(boolean) Set if the constant expression interpreter shall be called for generated @Inline . |
void | setWarningSeverity(String,Severity) Change the severity level of a warning. |
void | setWriteStorageFiles(boolean) Set if the storage files must be generated. |
void | setWriteTraceFiles(boolean) Set if the trace files must be generated. |
protected java.util.List<E> | validate(ResourceSet,Collection<E>,IProgressMonitor) Generate the JVM model elements, and validate generated elements. |
var classOutputPath :
This property is an alias for the action: getClassOutputPath
var classPath : java.util.List<E>
This property is an alias for the action: getClassPath
var cleaningPolicy : CleaningPolicy
This property is an alias for the action: getCleaningPolicy
var currentClassLoader : java.lang.ClassLoader
This property is an alias for the action: getCurrentClassLoader
var extraLanguageGenerators : java.lang.String
This property is an alias for the action: getExtraLanguageGenerators
var fileEncoding : java.lang.String
This property is an alias for the action: getFileEncoding
var generatedAnnotationComment : java.lang.String
This property is an alias for the action: getGeneratedAnnotationComment
protected val generatorConfig : org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.compiler.GeneratorConfig
This property is an alias for the action: getGeneratorConfig
protected val generatorConfig2 : GeneratorConfig2
This property is an alias for the action: getGeneratorConfig2
var issueComparator : java.util.Comparator<T>
This property is an alias for the action: getIssueComparator
var issueMessageFormatter : IssueMessageFormatter
This property is an alias for the action: getIssueMessageFormatter
var javaCompiler : IJavaBatchCompiler
This property is an alias for the action: getJavaCompiler
var javaSourceVersion : java.lang.String
This property is an alias for the action: getJavaSourceVersion
var logger : java.util.logging.Logger
This property is an alias for the action: getLogger
var modulePath : java.util.List<E>
This property is an alias for the action: getModulePath
var optimizationLevel : OptimizationLevel
This property is an alias for the action: getOptimizationLevel
var outputPath :
This property is an alias for the action: getOutputPath
var reportInternalProblemsAsIssues : boolean
This property is an alias for the action: getReportInternalProblemsAsIssues
var reportWarningsAsErrors : boolean
This property is an alias for the action: getReportWarningsAsErrors
val sourcePaths : java.util.List<E>
This property is an alias for the action: getSourcePaths
var tempDirectory :
This property is an alias for the action: getTempDirectory
protected var resourceSetProvider :<T>
def addCompiledResourceReceiver(ICompilatedResourceReceiver)
def addIssueMessageListener(IssueMessageListener)
def addSourcePath(File)
def addSourcePath(String)
protected def checkConfiguration(IProgressMonitor) : boolean
protected def cleanFolder(File,FileFilter) : boolean
def compile : boolean
def compile(IProgressMonitor) : boolean
def compile(CancelIndicator) : boolean
protected def createClassLoader(Iterable<T>,Iterable<T>,ClassLoader) : java.lang.ClassLoader
protected def createIssueMessage(Severity,Issue) : java.lang.String
protected def createStubs(ResourceSet,IProgressMonitor) :
protected def createTempDir(String) :
protected def createTempDirectory :
protected def destroyClassLoader(ClassLoader)
protected def generateJavaFiles(Iterable<T>,IProgressMonitor)
protected def generateJvmElements(ResourceSet,IProgressMonitor)
def getClassOutputPath :
def getClassPath : java.util.List<E>
def getCleaningPolicy : CleaningPolicy
def getCurrentClassLoader : java.lang.ClassLoader
def getExtraLanguageGenerators : java.lang.String
def getFileEncoding : java.lang.String
def getGeneratedAnnotationComment : java.lang.String
protected def getGeneratorConfig : org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.compiler.GeneratorConfig
protected def getGeneratorConfig2 : GeneratorConfig2
def getIssueComparator : java.util.Comparator<T>
def getIssueMessageFormatter : IssueMessageFormatter
def getJavaCompiler : IJavaBatchCompiler
def getJavaSourceVersion : java.lang.String
def getLogger : java.util.logging.Logger
def getModulePath : java.util.List<E>
def getOptimizationLevel : OptimizationLevel
def getOutputPath :
def getReportInternalProblemsAsIssues : boolean
def getReportWarningsAsErrors : boolean
def getSourcePaths : java.util.List<E>
def getTempDirectory :
def isDeleteTempDirectory : boolean
def isGenerateCloneFunctions : boolean
def isGenerateEqualityTestFunctions : boolean
def isGenerateExpressions : boolean
def isGenerateGeneratedAnnotation : boolean
is generated.
def isGenerateInlineAnnotation : boolean
shall be generated.
def isGeneratePureAnnotation : boolean
shall be generated.
def isGenerateSerialNumberFields : boolean
def isGenerateSyntheticSuppressWarnings : boolean
is generated.
def isGenerateToStringFunctions : boolean
def isIncludeDateInGeneratedAnnotation : boolean
def isJavaCompilerVerbose : boolean
def isJavaPostCompilationEnable : boolean
def isModularProject : boolean
def isSarlCompilationEnable : boolean
protected def isSourceFile(Resource) : boolean
def isUseCurrentClassLoaderAsParent : boolean
def isUseExpressionInterpreterForInlineAnnotation : boolean
def isWriteStorageFiles : boolean
, where Type
is the name of the SARL type declaration.
def isWriteTraceFiles : boolean
, where Type
is the name of the SARL type declaration.
protected def loadSARLFiles(ResourceSet,IProgressMonitor)
protected def overrideXtextInternalLoggers
protected def postCompileJava(IProgressMonitor) : CompilerStatus
protected def preCompileJava(File,File,IProgressMonitor) : CompilerStatus
protected def preCompileStubs(File,File,IProgressMonitor) : CompilerStatus
def removeCompiledResourceReceiver(ICompilatedResourceReceiver)
def removeIssueMessageListener(IssueMessageListener)
protected def reportCompilationIssues(Iterable<T>) : boolean
protected def reportInternalError(String,Object*)
protected def reportInternalError(String,Throwable)
protected def reportInternalInfo(String,Object*)
protected def reportInternalWarning(String)
protected def reportInternalWarning(String,Throwable)
protected def runJavaCompiler(File,Iterable<T>,Iterable<T>,Iterable<T>,boolean,boolean,IProgressMonitor) : CompilerStatus
def setAllWarningSeverities(Severity)
def setBasePath(String)
def setBaseURI(URI)
def setClassOutputPath(File)
def setClassPath(String)
def setClassPath(Collection<E>)
def setCleaningPolicy(CleaningPolicy)
def setCurrentClassLoader(ClassLoader)
def setDeleteTempDirectory(boolean)
def setExtraLanguageGenerators(String)
def setFileEncoding(String)
def setGenerateCloneFunctions(boolean)
def setGeneratedAnnotationComment(String)
def setGenerateEqualityTestFunctions(boolean)
def setGenerateExpressions(boolean)
def setGenerateGeneratedAnnotation(boolean)
is generated.
def setGenerateInlineAnnotation(boolean)
shall be generated.
def setGeneratePureAnnotation(boolean)
shall be generated.
def setGenerateSerialNumberFields(boolean)
def setGenerateSyntheticSuppressWarnings(boolean)
is generated.
def setGenerateToStringFunctions(boolean)
def setIncludeDateInGeneratedAnnotation(boolean)
def setIssueComparator(Comparator<T>)
def setIssueMessageFormatter(IssueMessageFormatter)
def setJavaCompiler(IJavaBatchCompiler)
def setJavaCompilerVerbose(boolean)
def setJavaPostCompilationEnable(boolean)
def setJavaSourceVersion(String)
def setLogger(Logger)
def setModulePath(String)
def setModulePath(Collection<E>)
def setOptimizationLevel(OptimizationLevel)
def setOutputPath(File)
def setOutputPath(String)
def setReportInternalProblemsAsIssues(boolean)
def setReportWarningsAsErrors(boolean)
def setResourceSetProvider(Provider<T>)
def setSarlCompilationEnable(boolean)
def setSourcePath(String)
def setSourcePath(Collection<E>)
def setTempDirectory(File)
def setTempDirectory(String)
def setUseCurrentClassLoaderAsParent(boolean)
def setUseExpressionInterpreterForInlineAnnotation(boolean)
def setWarningSeverity(String,Severity)
def setWriteStorageFiles(boolean)
, where Type
is the name of the SARL type declaration.
def setWriteTraceFiles(boolean)
, where Type
is the name of the SARL type declaration.
protected def validate(ResourceSet,Collection<E>,IProgressMonitor) : java.util.List<E>