AbstractSkillContainer |
The definition of the notion of skill container in SARL. |
Address |
This class describes all the addresses used by the space to identify its participants. |
AgentContext |
An AgentContext defines the boundary of a sub-system, and gathers a collection of Spaces. |
AgentProtectedAPIObject |
This class defines the protected API that is provided to the agents and the agent traits. |
AgentTrait |
This class represents a part of trait of an agent. |
AtomicSkillReference |
A reference to a skill that could be clear dynamically and that is managing the calls to the install(), prepareUninstallation() and uninstall() automatically. |
io.sarl.lang.core.Event.Bound |
Definition of a bound for generic types. |
BoundType |
Types of generic bound. |
Capacities |
Utility functions related to the capacities. |
DefaultSkill |
Annotation for associating a capacity and a default skill. |
DelegateDynamicSkillProvider |
This provides an implementation of a dynamic skill provider that delegates to the first known dynamic skill provider that is able to provide a skill. |
DynamicSkillProvider |
This interface represents a provider of built-in capacities. |
EventListener |
Entity capable listening to events inside an Interaction Space. |
EventSpace |
Event driven Interaction Space for agents. |
EventSpaceSpecification |
The specification for an EventSpace. |
IBehaviorGuardEvaluatorReceiver |
Describes an object that has the ability to receive SARL events, and consequently to evaluate the guard associated to a given event and returns the list of behaviors' runnable that must be executed according to the result of the guard evaluation. |
Identifiable |
Represents an entity that can be uniquely identified in the system. |
OwnerNotFoundException |
Thrown when the owner of an AgentTrait cannot be found. |
SARLVersion |
Describes the specification of the SARL language. |
Scope |
Defines the scope of an Event. |
Space |
Agents in SARL can interact only via Interaction Spaces. |
SpaceID |
Unique Identifier for a Space. |
SpaceSpecification |
The Specification of an Interaction Space. |
Represents an access point to the SARL run-time environment (SRE). |
SREBootstrap |
Represents an access point to the SARL run-time environment (SRE). |
SREClassLoader |
Utility functions for helping to obtain a class loader that could be used by the SRE. |
SREListener |
Observer on SRE events. |
SRESpecificDataContainer |
This class defines the protected API of an object that could contains SRE specific data. |
SREutils |
Utilities for accessing to the part of the SARL API that is dedicated to the SARL run-time environments (SRE). |
UnimplementedCapacityException |
Thrown when an Agent tries to access a skill associated to a Capacity and no implementation has been mapped. |