Constructor and description |
new Construct a trait. |
new(Agent) Construct a trait to the given agent. |
Modifier and type | Action and description |
protected S | clearSkill(Class<T>) |
java.util.UUID | getID Replies the identifier of the agent that has this trait. |
Agent | getOwner Replies the agent that has this trait. |
protected final S | getSkill(Class<T>) |
protected boolean | hasSkill(Class<T>) |
boolean | isFromMe(Event) |
boolean | isMe(Address) |
boolean | isMe(UUID) |
protected void | operator_mappedTo(Class<T>,S) |
protected final S | setSkill(S,Class<T>*) |
protected final void | setSkillIfAbsent(Skill,Class<T>*) |
protected void | toString(ToStringBuilder) |
protected new
protected new(Agent)
protected def clearSkill(Class<T>) : Swith S extends Capacity
def getID : java.util.UUID
def getOwner : Agent
protected def getSkill(Class<T>) : Swith S extends Capacity
protected def hasSkill(Class<T>) : boolean
def isFromMe(Event) : boolean
def isMe(Address) : boolean
def isMe(UUID) : boolean
protected def operator_mappedTo(Class<T>,S)with S extends Skill
protected def setSkill(S,Class<T>*) : Swith S extends Skill
protected def setSkillIfAbsent(Skill,Class<T>*)
protected def toString(ToStringBuilder)