Modifier and type | Property and description |
protected SarlJvmModelAssociations | associations Replies the associations between SARL and JVM models. |
protected org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.util.XExpressionHelper | expressionHelper Replies the expression helper. |
protected org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.validation.FeatureNameValidator | featureNameValidator Replies the validator of feture names. |
protected SARLGrammarKeywordAccess | grammarAccess Replies the accessor to the grammar. |
protected IImmutableTypeValidator | immutableTypeValidator Replies the validator for immutable types. |
protected InheritanceHelper | inheritanceHelper Replies the tools for checking the inheritance of types. |
protected org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.jvmmodel.ILogicalContainerProvider | logicalContainerProvider Replies the logical container provider. |
protected SARLOperationHelper | operationHelper Replies the tools for managing operations. |
protected SARLReadAndWriteTracking | readAndWriteTracking Replies the read-write tracker. |
protected IActionPrototypeProvider | sarlActionSignatures Replies the tools for managing the SARL action signatures. |
protected org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.typesystem.util.CommonTypeComputationServices | services Replies the type computation services. |
protected org.eclipse.xtext.common.types.util.TypeReferences | typeReferences Replies the tools for using type references. |
protected java.util.List<E> | visibilityModifiers Replies all the visibility modifiers. |
Modifier and type | Action and description |
protected java.lang.String | canonicalName(EObject) Replies the canonical name of the given object. |
protected static java.lang.String | canonicalName(LightweightTypeReference) Replies the canonical name for the given type. |
protected void | checkNoJavaKeyword(EObject,EAttribute) Check if the attribute for the given object is not a Java keyword. |
protected boolean | doCheckValidMemberName(XtendMember) Replies if the given member has a valid EMF name. |
protected org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.typesystem.references.LightweightTypeReference | getActualType(JvmIdentifiableElement) Replies the type of the given identifiable element. |
protected org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.typesystem.references.LightweightTypeReference | getActualType(XExpression) Replies the type of the given expression. |
protected org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.typesystem.references.LightweightTypeReference | getActualType(EObject,JvmIdentifiableElement) Replies the type of the given element. |
protected java.util.Iterator<E> | getAllFeatureCalls(XExpression) Replies all the feature calls in the given expression. |
protected SarlJvmModelAssociations | getAssociations Replies the associations between SARL and JVM models. |
protected java.lang.String | getDeclaratorName(JvmFeature) Replies the name of declarator for the given member. |
protected org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.typesystem.references.LightweightTypeReference | getExpectedType(XExpression) Replies the expected type of the given expression. |
protected org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.util.XExpressionHelper | getExpressionHelper Replies the expression helper. |
protected org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.validation.FeatureNameValidator | getFeatureNameValidator Replies the validator of feture names. |
protected SARLGrammarKeywordAccess | getGrammarAccess Replies the accessor to the grammar. |
protected IImmutableTypeValidator | getImmutableTypeValidator Replies the validator for immutable types. |
protected InheritanceHelper | getInheritanceHelper Replies the tools for checking the inheritance of types. |
org.eclipse.xtext.validation.IssueSeverities | getIssueSeverities(Map<K,V>,EObject) |
protected org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.jvmmodel.ILogicalContainerProvider | getLogicalContainerProvider Replies the logical container provider. |
protected java.lang.String | getNameOfTypes(LightweightTypeReference) Replies the name for the give type. |
protected SARLOperationHelper | getOperationHelper Replies the tools for managing operations. |
protected final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject | getOutermostType(XtendMember) Replies the outer-most type of the given member. |
protected java.util.List<E> | getParamTypeReferences(JvmExecutable,boolean,boolean) Retrieve the types of the formal parameters of the given JVM executable object. |
protected SARLReadAndWriteTracking | getReadAndWriteTracking Replies the read-write tracker. |
protected static org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.XMemberFeatureCall | getRootOfMemberFeatureCallSequence(EObject,EObject,Procedure1<Param>) Replies the member feature call that is the root of a sequence of member feature calls. |
protected IActionPrototypeProvider | getSarlActionSignatures Replies the tools for managing the SARL action signatures. |
protected org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.typesystem.util.CommonTypeComputationServices | getServices Replies the type computation services. |
protected org.eclipse.xtext.common.types.util.TypeReferences | getTypeReferences Replies the tools for using type references. |
protected java.util.List<E> | getVisibilityModifiers Replies all the visibility modifiers. |
protected boolean | isAOConstructorContainer(XtendTypeDeclaration) Replies if the given type is an agent-oriented type that could receives a constructor declaration. |
protected boolean | isAOContainer(XtendTypeDeclaration) Replies if the given type is an agent-oriented container type. |
protected boolean | isIgnored(String,EObject) Replies if the given issue is ignored for the given object. |
protected boolean | isImmutable(EObject) Replies if the given element is an immutable element. |
protected boolean | isLocallyAssigned(EObject,EObject) Replies if the given object is locally assigned. |
protected boolean | isReallyDisallowedName(QualifiedName) This functions checks of the given name is disallowed. |
protected boolean | isTypeFreeExpression(XExpression) Replies if the given expression has no specific type. |
protected java.lang.String | memberName(XtendField) Replies the label for the given field. |
protected java.lang.String | memberName(XtendFunction) Replies the label for the given function. |
void | register(EValidatorRegistrar) |
protected org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.typesystem.references.LightweightTypeReference | toLightweightTypeReference(JvmTypeReference) Replies the lightweight type reference that is corresponding to the given type reference. |
protected org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.typesystem.references.LightweightTypeReference | toLightweightTypeReference(JvmTypeReference,boolean) Replies the lightweight type reference that is corresponding to the given type reference. |
protected java.lang.String | typeName(XtendTypeDeclaration) Replies the label for the given type that is composed by the type's label and the type's name. |
protected val associations : SarlJvmModelAssociations
This property is an alias for the action: getAssociations
protected val expressionHelper : org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.util.XExpressionHelper
This property is an alias for the action: getExpressionHelper
protected val featureNameValidator : org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.validation.FeatureNameValidator
This property is an alias for the action: getFeatureNameValidator
protected val grammarAccess : SARLGrammarKeywordAccess
This property is an alias for the action: getGrammarAccess
protected val immutableTypeValidator : IImmutableTypeValidator
This property is an alias for the action: getImmutableTypeValidator
protected val inheritanceHelper : InheritanceHelper
This property is an alias for the action: getInheritanceHelper
protected val logicalContainerProvider : org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.jvmmodel.ILogicalContainerProvider
This property is an alias for the action: getLogicalContainerProvider
protected val operationHelper : SARLOperationHelper
This property is an alias for the action: getOperationHelper
protected val readAndWriteTracking : SARLReadAndWriteTracking
This property is an alias for the action: getReadAndWriteTracking
protected val sarlActionSignatures : IActionPrototypeProvider
This property is an alias for the action: getSarlActionSignatures
protected val services : org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.typesystem.util.CommonTypeComputationServices
This property is an alias for the action: getServices
protected val typeReferences : org.eclipse.xtext.common.types.util.TypeReferences
This property is an alias for the action: getTypeReferences
protected val visibilityModifiers : java.util.List<E>
This property is an alias for the action: getVisibilityModifiers
protected def canonicalName(EObject) : java.lang.String
protected def canonicalName(LightweightTypeReference) : java.lang.String
protected def checkNoJavaKeyword(EObject,EAttribute)
protected def doCheckValidMemberName(XtendMember) : boolean
protected def getActualType(JvmIdentifiableElement) : org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.typesystem.references.LightweightTypeReference
protected def getActualType(XExpression) : org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.typesystem.references.LightweightTypeReference
protected def getActualType(EObject,JvmIdentifiableElement) : org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.typesystem.references.LightweightTypeReference
protected def getAllFeatureCalls(XExpression) : java.util.Iterator<E>
protected def getAssociations : SarlJvmModelAssociations
protected def getDeclaratorName(JvmFeature) : java.lang.String
protected def getExpectedType(XExpression) : org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.typesystem.references.LightweightTypeReference
protected def getExpressionHelper : org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.util.XExpressionHelper
protected def getFeatureNameValidator : org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.validation.FeatureNameValidator
protected def getGrammarAccess : SARLGrammarKeywordAccess
protected def getImmutableTypeValidator : IImmutableTypeValidator
protected def getInheritanceHelper : InheritanceHelper
def getIssueSeverities(Map<K,V>,EObject) : org.eclipse.xtext.validation.IssueSeverities
protected def getLogicalContainerProvider : org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.jvmmodel.ILogicalContainerProvider
protected def getNameOfTypes(LightweightTypeReference) : java.lang.String
protected def getOperationHelper : SARLOperationHelper
protected def getOutermostType(XtendMember) : org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject
protected def getParamTypeReferences(JvmExecutable,boolean,boolean) : java.util.List<E>
protected def getReadAndWriteTracking : SARLReadAndWriteTracking
protected def getRootOfMemberFeatureCallSequence(EObject,EObject,Procedure1<Param>) : org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.XMemberFeatureCall
protected def getSarlActionSignatures : IActionPrototypeProvider
protected def getServices : org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.typesystem.util.CommonTypeComputationServices
protected def getTypeReferences : org.eclipse.xtext.common.types.util.TypeReferences
protected def getVisibilityModifiers : java.util.List<E>
protected def isAOConstructorContainer(XtendTypeDeclaration) : boolean
protected def isAOContainer(XtendTypeDeclaration) : boolean
protected def isIgnored(String,EObject) : boolean
protected def isImmutable(EObject) : boolean
protected def isLocallyAssigned(EObject,EObject) : boolean
protected def isReallyDisallowedName(QualifiedName) : boolean
protected def isTypeFreeExpression(XExpression) : boolean
protected def memberName(XtendField) : java.lang.String
protected def memberName(XtendFunction) : java.lang.String
def register(EValidatorRegistrar)
protected def toLightweightTypeReference(JvmTypeReference) : org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.typesystem.references.LightweightTypeReference
protected def toLightweightTypeReference(JvmTypeReference,boolean) : org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.typesystem.references.LightweightTypeReference
protected def typeName(XtendTypeDeclaration) : java.lang.String