Modifier and type | Property and description |
Level | internalErrorVerboseLevel Replies the verbosity level of the internal errors. |
int | keepAliveDuration |
int | maxThreads Replies the maximum number of threads that could be used by the executor service. |
int | minThreads |
int | timeout |
Modifier and type | Field and description |
public static val java.lang.String | INTERNAL_ERROR_VERBOSE_LEVEL_NAME Name of the property for the default verbosity level of the executor's internal errors. |
public static val Level | INTERNAL_ERROR_VERBOSE_LEVEL_VALUE The default verbosity level of the executor's internal errors. |
public static val java.lang.String | MAP_TO_AVAILABLE_PROCESSORS_NAME Name of the flag for the fact to map the number of threads of the executor service to the number of available processors. |
public static val boolean | MAP_TO_AVAILABLE_PROCESSORS_VALUE Default activation flag for the fact to map the number of threads of the executor service to the number of available processors. |
public static val java.lang.String | MAX_NUMBER_OF_THREADS_IN_EXECUTOR_NAME Name of property for the maximal number of threads to keep in the pool. |
public static val int | MAX_NUMBER_OF_THREADS_IN_EXECUTOR_VALUE Indicates the maximal number of threads to keep in the pool. |
public static val java.lang.String | MIN_NUMBER_OF_THREADS_IN_EXECUTOR_NAME Name of the property for the minimal number of threads to keep in the pool, even if they are idle. |
public static val int | MIN_NUMBER_OF_THREADS_IN_EXECUTOR_VALUE Indicates the minimal number of threads to keep in the pool, even if they are idle. |
public static val java.lang.String | PERIODIC_THREAD_POOL_PURGE_NAME Name of the property that indicates if the executor service is purging the thread queues periodically. |
public static val boolean | PERIODIC_THREAD_POOL_PURGE_VALUE The default flag that indicates if the executor service is purging the thread queues periodically. |
public static val java.lang.String | PREFIX Prefix for the configuration entries of the parallel execution configuration. |
public static val java.lang.String | THREAD_KEEP_ALIVE_DURATION_NAME Name of the property for the duration for keeping the iddle threads alive (in seconds). |
public static val int | THREAD_KEEP_ALIVE_DURATION_VALUE Indicates the duration for keeping the iddle threads alive (in seconds). |
public static val java.lang.String | THREAD_TIMEOUT_NAME Name of the property for the numbers of seconds that the kernel is waiting for thread terminations before timeout. |
public static val int | THREAD_TIMEOUT_VALUE Indicates the numbers of seconds that the kernel is waiting for thread terminations before timeout. |
Modifier and type | Action and description |
Level | getInternalErrorVerboseLevel Replies the verbosity level of the internal errors. |
int | getKeepAliveDuration |
int | getMaxThreads Replies the maximum number of threads that could be used by the executor service. |
int | getMinThreads |
int | getTimeout |
boolean | hasMaxThreadsSpecified Replies if the maximum number of threads is specified. |
boolean | isMapToAvailableProcessors |
boolean | isPeriodicThreadPoolPurge |
void | setInternalErrorVerboseLevel(Level) Change the verbosity level of the internal errors. |
int | setKeepAliveDuration(int) Change the duration during which a thread is still in memory without being used for another task. |
void | setMapToAvailableProcessors(boolean) Change the flag that indicates if the executor service must be mapped to the available processors. |
void | setMaxThreads(int) Change the maximum number of threads that could be used by the executor service. |
int | setMinThreads(int) Change the minimum number of threads that could be used by the executor service. |
void | setPeriodicThreadPoolPurge(boolean) Change the verbosity level of the internal errors. |
void | setRendezvousTaskQueue(boolean) Change the flag that indicates if the task queue of the executor service is implementing a rendez-vous between the thread that is submitting the task and the thread that is running the task. |
int | setTimeout(int) Change the timeout duration for waiting the termination of the threads. |
var internalErrorVerboseLevel : Level
This property is an alias for the action: getInternalErrorVerboseLevel
val keepAliveDuration : int
This property is an alias for the action: getKeepAliveDuration
var maxThreads : int
This property is an alias for the action: getMaxThreads
val minThreads : int
This property is an alias for the action: getMinThreads
val timeout : int
This property is an alias for the action: getTimeout
public static val INTERNAL_ERROR_VERBOSE_LEVEL_NAME : java.lang.String = ""
public static val MAP_TO_AVAILABLE_PROCESSORS_NAME : java.lang.String = ""
public static val MAP_TO_AVAILABLE_PROCESSORS_VALUE : boolean = false
public static val MAX_NUMBER_OF_THREADS_IN_EXECUTOR_NAME : java.lang.String = ""
public static val MAX_NUMBER_OF_THREADS_IN_EXECUTOR_VALUE : int = 512
public static val MIN_NUMBER_OF_THREADS_IN_EXECUTOR_NAME : java.lang.String = ""
public static val MIN_NUMBER_OF_THREADS_IN_EXECUTOR_VALUE : int = 1
public static val PERIODIC_THREAD_POOL_PURGE_NAME : java.lang.String = ""
public static val PERIODIC_THREAD_POOL_PURGE_VALUE : boolean = true
public static val PREFIX : java.lang.String = ""
public static val THREAD_KEEP_ALIVE_DURATION_NAME : java.lang.String = ""
public static val THREAD_KEEP_ALIVE_DURATION_VALUE : int = 60
public static val THREAD_TIMEOUT_NAME : java.lang.String = ""
public static val THREAD_TIMEOUT_VALUE : int = 30
def getInternalErrorVerboseLevel : Level
def getKeepAliveDuration : int
def getMaxThreads : int
def getMinThreads : int
def getTimeout : int
def hasMaxThreadsSpecified : boolean
def isMapToAvailableProcessors : boolean
def isPeriodicThreadPoolPurge : boolean
def setInternalErrorVerboseLevel(Level)
def setKeepAliveDuration(int) : int
def setMapToAvailableProcessors(boolean)
def setMaxThreads(int)
def setMinThreads(int) : int
def setPeriodicThreadPoolPurge(boolean)
def setRendezvousTaskQueue(boolean)
def setTimeout(int) : int