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ExternalContextAccess Capacity

The built-in capacity ExternalContextAccess provides access to the context that the agent is a part of, and actions required to join new contexts, and leave them.

The context supported by this built-in capacity is the “external context,” illustrated by the top-right context in the figure above.

1. Retrieving a Context

For retrieving the context with a particular ID, this built-in capacity provides the following function:

def getContext(contextID : UUID) : AgentContext

The agent must have joined (see below) the context before calling this action. Or, the agent may use its getParentID for accessing the context in which it is located (the default context).

agent A {
	uses ExternalContextAccess
	var id : UUID
	var c : AgentContext
	def myaction {
		id = getParentID
		c = getContext(id)

2. Retrieving the Universe Context

In all the SARL application, a default context exists. It’s name is the Universe context. It is fully managed by the SARL run-time environment. For retrieving this particular context, this built-in capacity provides the following function:

def getUniverseContext() : AgentContext

3. Retrieving the Contexts of an Agent

The following function enables an agent to retrieve all the contexts in which it is involved:

def getAllContexts : ConcurrentCollection<AgentContext>

The default context is included in the replied collection.

agent A {
	uses ExternalContextAccess
	var c : ConcurrentCollection<AgentContext>
	def myaction {
		c = getAllContexts

4. Joining an Existing Context

Agents must be able to join a new parent context. The following function gives this capability to them:

def join(contextID : UUID, expectedDefaultSpaceID : UUID) : AgentContext

This action registers the agent in the default space of the context.

The agent will be involved in the context with the ID given by contextID. The parameter expectedDefaultSpaceID is only used to check if the caller of this function knows the ID of the default space in the context to be involved in. If the given expectedDefaultSpaceID does not match the ID of the default space in the context contextID, then the access to the context is forbidden.

The join function replies the reference to the joined context.

Important Note The context must already exist, and the default space inside this context must have the same ID as expectedDefaultSpaceID.

This action fires two events:


agent A {
	uses ExternalContextAccess
	var idc : UUID
	var ids : UUID
	def myaction {
		idc = UUID::randomUUID
		ids = UUID::randomUUID
		join(idc, ids)

5. Leaving a Context

When an agent wants to leave a context, it must invoke:

def leave(contextID : UUID)

This action fires two events:


agent A {
	uses ExternalContextAccess
	var idc : UUID
	def myaction {
		idc = UUID::randomUUID

The ExternalContextAccess provides a collection of utility functions that test if their parameters are related to the any external context.

Function Explanation
isInSpace(Event, Space) tests if the given event was emitted in the given space.
isInSpace(Event, SpaceID) tests if the given event was emitted in the space with the given identifier.
isInSpace(Event, UUID) tests if the given event was emitted in the space with the given identifier.

The following example illustrates the use of the isInSpace function in the guard of an behavior unit. In this example, the behavior unit is run only if the event of type AnEvent was emitted in the space myspace (declared as attribute in the container).

on AnEvent [ isInSpace(occurrence, myspace) ] {
	// Do something with the event when it was emitted in the space myspace

7. Helper for firing an event in a space

Regarding the definition of the EventSpace type, the event emiting function takes at least two parameters:

The first parameter is used for setting the event’s source when it was not already done.

The ExternalContextAccess provides the emit function for helping to fire events into an event space:


A call to the emit function takes two parameters:

This function call is equivalent to:

^space.emit(getID, ^event)

The getID function is provided by the current entity, e.g. an agent, for obtaining the identifier of the emitter.

From a syntactic point of view, the two calls look similar. But, the call to the ExternalContextAccess function uses the extension method syntax: the first argument to the function is written prior to the function’s name.

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