Release 0.14.0
Major release is provided in version 0.14.0 of SARL. Changes.
Major release is provided in version 0.14.0 of SARL. Changes.
SARL 0.13.0 is now available on the platform macOS Apple Silicon (aarch64).
Major release is provided in version 0.13.0 of SARL. Changes.
The scientific publications related to SARL that were published during 2021 and 2022 have been added.
Major release is provided in version 0.12.0 of SARL. Changes.
Very major release is provided in version 0.11.0 of SARL. Changes.
Minor bug fix in version 0.10.1 is available. Changes.
An invited talk will be discussing “Modeling and implementing Recursive agents” at the Human-Swarm Interaction Workshop ICRA2020
The workshop will be held Virtually on 31 May, 2020. Please register at the workshop’s website!
Workshop’s Overview:
Redundancy and decentralization in artificial swarms can make their operation robust to failures and disturbances, enable the use of sacrificial platforms, and can conceal the system’s mission to an adversary. While these attributes have been acknowledged and validated, we do not have yet a complete understanding of how biological systems and multi-agent technological artifacts can interact with humans. This workshop will bring together experts in the fields of control of multi-agent systems, human-robot and human-swarm interaction and cyber-physical systems, to discuss the state-of-the-art of human-swarm interaction theories and developments, as well as identify specific challenges on the path toward seamless interaction and control interfaces between humans and multi-agent systems.
Major release of SARL. The version 0.10.0 is available. Changes.
Major release of SARL. The version 0.9.0 is available. Changes.
A major bug is fixed within the version 0.8.6 of SARL. Changes.
A major bug is fixed within the version 0.8.5 of SARL. Changes.
A minor bug is fixed within the version 0.8.4 of SARL. Changes.
A minor bug is fixed within the version 0.8.3 of SARL. Changes.
A major bug is fixed within the version 0.8.2 of SARL. Changes.
A major bug is fixed within the version 0.8.1 of SARL. Changes.
The version 0.8.0 of SARL is released. Changes. It is a major release.
The version 0.7.2 of SARL is released. Changes. It is a minor release.
The version 0.7.1 of SARL is released. Changes. It is a minor release.
The version 0.7.0 of SARL is released. Changes. It is a major release.
The version 0.6.1 of SARL is released. Changes.
The Call-for-Papers of the 2nd International Workshop on Agent-based Modeling and Applications with SARL is available.
The version 0.6.0 of SARL is released. Changes. It is a major release.
The version 0.5.8 of SARL is released. Changes.
The SARL command-line compiler and the Janus framework launching tool are now packaged for the Debian and Ubuntu operating systems. See the Download page for details.
The version 0.5.7 of SARL is released. Changes.
The SARL language has a dedicated page on Facebook.
The version 0.5.6 of SARL is released. Changes.
The version 0.5.5 of SARL is released. Changes.
The version 0.5.4 of SARL is released. Changes.
The version 0.5.3 of SARL is released. Changes.
The version 0.5.2 of SARL is released. Changes.
The version 0.5.1 of SARL is released. Changes.
The version 0.5.0 of SARL is released. Changes.
A seminar will be given in March 16th at 14:00 on the SARL agent programming language. Location: LE2I laboratory, Belfort-Montbéliard University of Technology, France.
The version 0.4.3 of SARL is released. Changes.
The version 0.4.2 of SARL is released. Changes.
The version 0.4.1 of SARL is released. Changes.
The version 0.4.0 of SARL is released. Changes.
The version 0.3.1 of SARL is released. Changes.
A lecture of 20 hours related to multiagent systems, SARL and Janus will given to the Master and PhD students of the Faculty of Economics and Management of Sfax (Tunisia).
The lecture will be held from January 25th to January 27th.
Four lectures of 2 hours related to SARL and Janus will given to the PhD students of the Transport and Computer Science departments of the Hasselt University (Belgium).
The version 0.3.0 of SARL is released. Changes.
An article using SARL has been awarded at the 2015 International Workshop on Communication for Humans, Agents, Robots, Machines and Sensors, 17-20 August 2015 / Belfort, France.
Paper description A New Perspective on Multi-Agent Environment with SARL
Abstract: The environment is now considered as a first class abstraction in multiagent systems. However, the boundary between real and simulated environment and the application logic is not so well defined. Depending on applications, the environment as a space shared between agents may integrate physical, communication or social dimensions where agents interact. In this paper, authors introduce an agent environment model supporting the intrasic distributed and hierarchical natures of the environment. It is defined using the fundamental concepts provided by metamodel related to the SARL programming language.
Citing Details
The environment is now considered as a first class abstraction in multiagent systems. However, the boundary between real and simulated environment and the application logic is not so well defined. Depending on applications, the environment as a space shared between agents may integrate physical, communication or social dimensions where agents interact. In this paper, authors introduce a new view for structuring the notion of environment in a multiagent systems using the fundamental concepts provided by the SARL programming language.
@inproceedings{harms2015, address = {Belfort, France}, booktitle = {International Workshop on Communication for Humans, Agents, Robots, Machines and Sensors}, doi = {10.1016/j.procs.2015.07.246}, issn = {1877-0509}, keywords = {Multiagent systems, Environment, Interaction, Programming language}, month = aug, note = {Best Paper Award}, organization = {Procedia Computer Science}, pages = {526--531}, publisher = {Elsevier}, year = {2015}, title = {A New Perspective on Multi-Agent Environment with {SARL}}, author = {Rodriguez, Sebastian and Galland, St{\'e}phane and Gaud, Nicolas} }
A 4-hours course of Multiagent Systems programming with SARL will given at the “9th Software Agents, Environments and Applications School (WESAAC)”.
The School we be held 01-03 of June in Niterói, RJ, Brazil.
The Software Agents, Environments and Applications School (WESAAC) provides a forum for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, experiences and concerns in the field of software agents.
Please see the program for details:
An article using SARL has been accepted at the 2015 International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (PAAMS), 3rd-5th June 2015 / Salamanca, Spain.
Paper description Contextualize Agent Interactions by Combining Communication and Physical Dimensions in the Environment
Abstract: The environment, as a space shared between agents, is a key component of multiagent systems (MAS). Depending on systems, this space may integrate physical, communication or communication dimensions. Each of them has its own process and rules to support agents’ interaction. The dimensions of the environment are generally connected either outside of the agents or within each agent, according to the target application. In order to ensure a multiagent control, the relations between dimensions must be explicit outside of the agents. Using these relations between the environment dimensions, the interaction becomes also multi-dimensional. In this paper, rules and mechanisms to make this connection outside of the agents are formalized. The model connects the physical and communication dimensions to realize contextualized interactions. It is implemented using the SARL multiagent programming language, and illustrated with an urban traffic simulation.
Citing Details
The environment, as a space shared between agents, is a key component of multiagent systems (MAS). Depending on systems, this space may integrate physical, communication or social dimensions. Each of them has its own process and rules to support agents’ interaction. The dimensions of the environment are generally connected either outside of the agents or within each agent, according to the target application. In order to ensure a multiagent control, the relations between dimensions must be explicit outside of the agents. Using these relations between the environment dimensions, the interaction becomes also multi-dimensional. In this paper, rules and mechanisms to make this connection outside of the agents are formalized. The model connects the physical and social dimensions to realize contextualized interactions. It is implemented using the SARL multiagent programming language, and illustrated with an urban traffic simulation.
@inproceedings{paams2015, booktitle = {13th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (PAAMS)}, editor = {Demazeau, Yves and Decker, Keith}, keywords = {Environment modeling; Simulation; Programming languages for agents and multi-agent systems; Smart cities}, language = {english}, month = jun, year = {2015}, title = {Contextualize Agent Interactions by Combining Social and Physical Dimensions in the Environment}, author = {Galland, St{\'e}phane and Balbo, Flavien and Gaud, Nicolas and Rodriguez, Sebastian and Picard, Gauthier and Boissier, Olivier} }
An article using SARL has been accepted at the 2015 International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), 4-5 May 2015 / Istanbul, Turkey.
Paper description A Multidimensional Environment Implementation for Enhancing Agent Interaction
Abstract: The environment, as a space shared between agents, is a key component of multiagent systems (MAS). Depending on systems, this space may integrate physical, communication or social dimensions. Each of them has its own process and rules to support agents’ interaction. For instance, in the physical dimension, the rules may be based on the agents’ location. The agents’ interaction is then contextualized, and the environment allows a multiagent control since it performs the interactions according to the state and rules of the MAS. The dimensions of the environment are generally connected either in an application-dependent ad-hoc way outside of the agents or within each agent. In order to ensure a multiagent control, the relations between dimensions must be explicit outside of the agents. Using these relations between the environment dimensions, the interaction becomes also multidimensional. In this paper, we propose to formalize rules and mechanisms to make this connection outside of the agents and in a generic way.
Citing Details
The environment, as a space shared between agents, is a key component of multiagent systems (MAS). Depending on systems, this space may integrate physical, communication or social dimensions. Each of them has its own process and rules to support agents’ interaction. For instance, in the physical dimension, the rules may be based on the agents’ location. The agents’ interaction is then contextualized and the environment allows a multiagent control since it performs the interactions according to the state and rules of the MAS. The dimensions of the environment are generally connected either in an application dependent adhoc way outside of the agents or within each agent. In order to ensure a multiagent control, the relations between dimensions must be explicit outside of the agents. Using these relations between the environment dimensions, the interaction becomes also multi-dimensional. In this paper we propose to formalize rules and mechanisms to make this connection outside of the agents and in a generic way.
@inproceedings{aamas2015, address = {Istanbul, Turkey}, booktitle = {Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS15)}, editor = {Bordini, Rafael and Elkind, Edith}, keywords = {Agent-based simulation::Complex systems; Agent- based simulation::Simulation techniques, tools and environments}, language = {english}, month = may, year = {2015}, title = {A multidimensional environment implementation for enhancing agent interaction}, author = {Galland, St{\'e}phane and Balbo, Flavien and Gaud, Nicolas and Rodriguez, Sebastian and Picard, Gauthier and Boissier, Olivier} }
The version 0.2.0 of SARL is released. Changes.
The version 0.1.0 of SARL is released. Changes.
Presentation of SARL at the DATASIM Summer School of the Institute for Mobility of the University of Hasselt (Belgium).
@misc{sarl2014datasim, title = {Programming Agents with {SARL} and {Janus} for the Transport Simulation}, author = {Galland, St\'ephane}, howpublished = {{DATASIM} Summer School}, address = {University of Hasselt, Belgium}, month = jul, year = {2014}, url = {{}} }
An article presenting an environment model in SARL has been accepted at the 2014 JFSMA Journées Francophones sur les Systèmes Multi-Agents, 8-10 Octobre 2014 / Loriol-sur-Drôme, France.
Paper description Contextualiser l’interaction entre agents en combinant dimensions sociale et physique au sein de l’environnement
Abstract: L’environnement, en tant qu’espace partagé entre agents, est un élément essentiel des systèmes multiagents. Selon les systèmes, cet espace intègre des dimensions différentes comme une dimension physique support à l’ancrage spatial et à l’activité des agents sur cette dimension, ou une dimension sociale support aux communications entre agents. Ces dimensions sont souvent traitées de manière indépendante et ne sont reliées qu’au sein de l’agent qui constitue alors le lieu de jonction et de combinaison des informations véhiculées dans ces différentes dimensions. Il s’avère cependant que la combinaison entre ces dimensions est à considérer également en dehors des agents, pour pouvoir par exemple, situer des communications. Dans cet article, nous proposons un modèle unifié supportant la combinaison des dimensions physiques et sociales pour la mise en oeuvre d’interactions contextualisées entre agents. Ce modèle est développé avec le langage multiagent SARL. Nous illustrons cette proposition par une application de simulation de trafic routier dans la ville de Belfort.
Citing Details
L’environnement, en tant qu’espace partagé entre agents, est un élément essentiel des systèmes multiagents. Selon les systèmes, cet espace intègre des dimensions différentes comme une dimension physique support à l’ancrage spatial et à l’activité des agents sur cette dimension, ou une dimension sociale support aux communications entre agents. Ces dimensions sont souvent traitées de manière indépendante et ne sont reliées qu’au sein de l’agent qui constitue alors le lieu de jonction et de combinaison des informations véhiculées dans ces différentes dimensions. Il s’avère cependant que la combinaison entre ces dimensions est à considérer également en dehors des agents, pour pouvoir par exemple, situer des communications. Dans cet article, nous proposons un modèle unifié supportant la combinaison des dimensions physiques et sociales pour la mise en \oeuvre d’interactions contextualisées entre agents. Ce modèle est développé avec le langage multiagent SARL. Nous illustrons cette proposition par une application de simulation de trafic routier dans la ville de Belfort.
@inproceedings{jfsma2014, author = {Galland, St\'ephane and Gaud, Nicolas and Rodriguez, Sebastian and Balbo, Flavien and Picard, Gauthier and Boissier, Olivier}, keywords = {Environnement support \`a l'interaction, Environnement physique, Environnement Social, Langage de programmation, Trafic routier}, title = {Contextualiser l'interaction entre agents en combinant dimensions sociale et physique au sein de l'environnement}, booktitle = {Les 22\`emes Journ\'ees Francophones sur les Syst\`emes Multi-Agents}, year = {2014}, publisher = {C\'epadu\`es \'Editions}, pages = {65--74}, isbn = {978-2-36493-154-1}, editor = {Courdier, R\'emy and Jamont, Jean-Paul}, address = {Loriol-sur-Dr\^ome, France}, note = {Best Paper Award} }
An article presenting SARL has been accepted at the 2014 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT), 11-14 August 2014 / Warsaw, Poland.
Paper description SARL: a general-purpose agent-oriented programming language
Abstract: Complex software systems development require appropriate high-level features to better and easily tackle the new requirements in terms of interactions, concurrency and distribution. This requires a paradigm change in software engineering and corresponding programming languages. We are convinced that agent-oriented programming may be the support for this change by focusing on a small corpus of commonly accepted concepts and the corresponding programming language in line with the current developers’ programming practices. This papers introduces SARL, a new general-purpose agent-oriented programming language undertaking this challenge. SARL comes with its full support in the Eclipse IDE for compilation and debugging, and a new version 2.0 of the Janus platform for execution purposes. The main perspective that guided the creation of SARL is the establishment of an open and easily extensible language. Our expectation is to provide the community with a common forum in terms of a first working testbed to study and compare various programming alternatives and associated metamodels.
Citing Details
Complex software systems development require appropriate high-level features to better and easily tackle the new requirements in terms of interactions, concurrency and distribution. This requires a paradigm change in software engineering and corresponding programming languages. We are convinced that agent-oriented programming may be the support for this change by focusing on a small corpus of commonly accepted concepts and the corresponding programming language in line with the current developers’ programming practices. This papers introduces SARL, a new general-purpose agent-oriented programming language undertaking this challenge. SARL comes with its full support in the Eclipse IDE for compilation and debugging, and a new version 2.0 of the Janus platform for execution purposes. The main perspective that guided the creation of SARL is the establishment of an open and easily extensible language. Our expectation is to provide the community with a common forum in terms of a first working testbed to study and compare various programming alternatives and associated metamodels.
@inproceedings{iat2014, author = {Rodriguez, Sebastian and Gaud, Nicolas and Galland, St\'ephane}, keywords = {Agent Programming Languages, {SARL}}, title = {{SARL:} a general-purpose agent-oriented programming language}, booktitle = {the 2014 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology}, year = {2014}, publisher = {{IEEE} Computer Society Press}, address = {Warsaw, Poland} }
Presentation of SARL at the Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de Ingeniería en Sistemas de Información - Facultad Regional Santa Fe - UTN.
Presentation of SARL at the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.
@misc{sarl2014ufsc, title = {SARL: Agent Oriented Programming Language}, author = {Rodriguez, Sebastian and Gaud, Nicolas and Galland, St\'ephane}, address = {Universide Federal de Santa Catarina -- Florianopolis, Brazil}, month = may, year = {2014} }
Presentation of SARL at the Ecole des mines de Saint Etienne.
@misc{sarl2014iscod, title = {SARL: Agent Oriented Programming Language}, author = {Rodriguez, Sebastian and Gaud, Nicolas and Galland, St\'ephane}, address = {ISCOD / LSTI, Institut Henri Fayol -- Saint \'etienne, France}, month = feb, year = {2014} }
The beta version of the SARL Agent-Oriented Programming Language has been shared on Github.
You can find as well some demo projects so you can get an idea of what SARL is capable of. To run the examples you will need a copy of the Janus Platform Version 2.0
Contributions are welcome, be part of the community.
Stay tunned, new updates are comming…