Changes in 0.2.0
Release date: 2015-04-08.
- Move to Xtext 2.8.1. (details)
- Add Logging built-in capacity. (details)
- Add utility functions for the Event element. (details)
- Add utility functions in the BIC. (details)
- Output an error when System.exit is called. (details)
- Add utility functions for the Event element. (details)
- Add the FiredEvents and EarlyExit annotations (details)
- Fixing the Map extension according to the comment on the Xtext contribution. (details)
- Remove conflicting operations in MapExtensions. (details)
- Add warning on multiple capacity uses. (details)
- Add a function for retreiving the default value for a type which is specified by a string. (details)
- Output a warning when a capacity is not used. (details)
- The quick fix for missed actions are using the SARL prototypes in place of the JVM prototypes. (details)
- Add the function to create SARL Ecore elements from JVM elements. (details)
- Replace Xtend scripts by Java code. (details)
- Change code style. (details)
- Add unit tests for the SARLCodeGenerator. (details)
- Apply code style. (details)
- Make localized the messages related to forbidden and discouraged references (details)
- Fixing code style. (details)
- Make the JDK and Xtext validation messages more clear. (details)
- Add a string value to the Generated annotation. (details)
- Add ContextPDFProvider for fixing invalid “implements” keyword serialization. (details)
- Create a signature building function from a formal parameter provider. (details)
- Add imports for the added missed functions. (details)
- Share the internal name prefixes for the hidden attributes and event handlers. (details)
- Add the missed “return” keyword when generating default-value-parameter function. (details)
- Refine getOrCreateSpace function. (details)
- Add warning on the use of the println function and the System stream. (details)
- Put the annotation ImportedCapacityFeature into the generated code. (details)
- Add operation extensions for Maps. (details)
- Add quick fix for the unused capacities. (details)
- Add the commands for toggling breakpoints. (details)
- Share the “Auto-generated action” message. (details)
- Add imports for the added missed functions. (details)
- Auto-detect the attribute type when generating the outline. (details)
- The quick fix for missed actions are using the SARL prototypes in place of the JVM prototypes. (details)
- Add quick fix for multiple capacity uses. (details)
- Avoid exception in the UI thread when refreshing the SRE list. (details)
- Add wizards for creating the source code for the SARL elements. (details)
- Create a brandable product for SARL. (details)
- Change the splash screen. (details)
- Add the preference page for the “errors/warnings” of SARL. (details)
- SARL launch configuration provides the implementations of Agent. (details)
- Avoid NPE when launching SARL application. (details)
- Display an error message when the Xtext output configuration is not matching the Java source folders. (details)
- Fixing the invalid test of the SARL version supported by a selected SRE. (details)
- Avoid exception when invalid SRE path is provided by the file chooser. (details)
- Use Ecore description in the wizards for creating the SARL elements. (details)
- Avoid infinite loop when loading SREs (details)
- Set the preferences of a new project after updating it with the JDT tools. (details)
- Add a text field for entering the SRE specific arguments. (details)
- Add “multiple capacity use” and “unused capacity” warnings in the preference page. (details)
- Add launch options for the SREs. (details)
- Add the SRE in the classpath when not specified. (details)
- Do not make the SRE path relative to the workspace. (details)
- Add unit tests. (details)
- Add provider of SRE that is specified in the Maven dependencies. (details)
- Add the validation the version of the SARL bundle and the Maven dependency. (details)
- Appply the code style. (details)
- SARL Maven compiler supports submodules. (details)
- The Java perspective is the default perspective. (details)
- Add default SARL update URLs in the product. (details)
- Add m2e connector for JDT compiler in the product. (details)
- Update the tutorials. (details)
- Update the table format for the “every” function. (details)
- Add the documentation on the implicit method extensions. (details)
- Explain how to launch agents programmatically. (details)
- Clean the M2 repository before compiling the release version. (details)
- Update the README file for release process. (details)
- Add a FAQ entry for the error “agent class not found.” (details)
- Fixing invalid Jnario tests. (details)
- Avoid compilation error in the Jnario project. (details)
- Apply changes from the SARL grammar. (details)
- Add awesome-sarl in the FAQ. (details)
- Add phase about release candidate version. (details)
- Add FAQ entry for the invalid SRE error. (details)
Previous changes